Most user manuals go over the not only the length, but the conditions surrounding any warranties you do and don't have on your appliances. Typically, it will be mentioned somewhere that you should only run your machines while they are supervised (by an adult no less) or it will void any warranties. To be clear on this: it may void ALL of the warranties the manufacturer has placed on the machine, leaving you completely at fault for any damage to the appliance, your home, your person, and anything else!
While your digging through the user manual, which I hope you haven't thrown out as it's "useless", read through the areas on maintenance and proper care as well. There is probably some annoying legal mumbo jumbo in there as well about how improper or infrequent maintenance will also void your warranty or extended warranty.
These are all the tips I have for not leaving your appliances home alone when they are working for now. When I think of anything else to cover I'll make another post!
Next up: How to find your user manual if you threw it out since I'm sure at least a couple of you have...
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